Often referred to as “The First Lady of Praise and Worship,” Judith McAllister is probably best known for her impact as one of the forerunners of the Praise and Worship movement in the African American Church.
A lettered scholar, McAllister has recently written an op-ed for the Wall Street Journal, on the state of music in the African American Church. Having served for twelve (12) years as the President of the International Music Department, of the Church Of God In Christ, Inc., (one of the largest Pentecostal denominations in the world with a reported 6 million members worldwide), McAllister has had the unique opportunity to observe firsthand, the importance of teaching, training, impartation and the subsequent comprehension and conceptualizing of the integrity of the message of the music, while enforcing that the message must never be sacrificed upon the altar of the vehicle assigned to carry it.
McAllister currently serves and has as resumed her role after a ten (10) year hiatus, as Executive Director of Music, Worship & Liturgy at the West Angeles Church of God in Christ in Los Angeles California, under the leadership of Pastor Charles E. Blake II, son of Presiding Bishop Emeritus, Bishop Charles E. Blake, Sr.